Education Actions
Education Update
The Kirwan Commission is working to bring Maryland’s public education system back to the top and to set a standard for the nation by establishing a new funding formula. All children deserve the best we have to offer and the Kirwan Recommendations are a most useful start. Chair Brit Kirwan explains the Kirwan Commission recommendations in a 10 minute video interview with the Baltimore Sun: ws/opinion/oped/bs-ed-op-0430- naep-scores-20180427-story. html
Kirwan’s Top 5 priorities:
1. Early childhood education for all 4 year olds and for 3 year olds in poverty
2. Invest more in schools with high concentrations of poverty and special needs students
3. Significantly boost the level of the teaching profession by increasing standards and increasing salaries
4. School curriculum bench-marked against international standards, High Schools adding strong career and technical tracks
5. Accountability for the funding
5. Accountability for the funding
The Kirwan Commission recommendations will only become a reality with proper funding.