Red2Blue Action Team

Since the inception of our chapter’s Red2Blue Team, we have worked hard to advance democratic ideals and end the obstructive measures of the GOP and Trump Administration.  Together, we have targeted states such as PA, VA, NC, FL, GA, and OH with our canvassing, phone/text-banking, and postcard writing efforts.   

With the election of Joe Biden in 2020 and a majority Democratic Senate, our future looked brighter.  Unfortunately, 2022 returned Congress to a GOP majority, including their most ardent followers in the MAGA crowd.  And now, beyond our wildest nightmares, our government is being torn apart by the newly re-elected Trump Regime, including co-president Elon Musk.  Many of us had thought this particular nightmare was over, but the new assault on democracy is compelling us to redouble our efforts.  So, we are far from done!

Our team’s agenda for the next four years is ambitious, but manageable:


  • Support the April 1 Wisconsin Supreme Court race of Judge Susan Crawford
  • Support elections in Virginia to keep the Democratic legislature in the majority and elect Abigail Spanberger as governor.


  • Support Democratic candidate elections for Maryland U.S. House of Representatives
  • Support Democratic candidate elections in Pennsylvania, up and down ballot.
  • Support Democratic candidate elections in Virginia, up and down ballot


  • Support the election of a Democratic President/Vice President and turn this country back around!  This will include supporting elections to maintain or achieve a majority Democratic U.S. House and Senate.

2025 is our test year to get fully engaged and feel competent participating in initiatives that will ensure the wins to come in 2026 and 2028.  

We need your help, and the help of your family and friends, to aid our Democratic neighbors to the north (PA) and south (VA) in the coming months.  This is not a drill!   We hoped we were finished with Trump and his compliant GOP minions, but, sadly, we’re not! 

Get involved by:

  • Reading our e-newsletter Update
  • Attending our monthly meetings on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7 PM
  • Spreading the word through involvement in one or more of the initiatives below:


Phone banking

Support Voter Registration (VR), Get Out the Vote (GOTV) and Vote By Mail (VBM) initiatives from the comfort of your own home using your computer along with the most efficient dialer systems. We will even guide you through an individual step-by-step training process if that’s most comfortable for you. All phonebank campaigns we participate in will be fully vetted for cohesive training and a feeling of community and support.

Text banking

Textbanking is an effective means of directly communicating with many voters quickly, especially those less receptive to answering their phones. As with phonebanking, these campaigns will be fully vetted for their training, script, and feeling of a supported community that we can pass on to you.


IndivisibleHoCoMD has a vibrant Postcard Brigade that partners with particular campaigns organizations to target specific elections or issues. If you want to join in, go to the Postcard Brigade's tab[insert link to it here]. For more information or to throw your hat into the ring, email Lynn ( to get started. If you think you have nothing to contribute, you are wrong. We need all hands on deck, and everyone has a useful skill to provide.


Meeting people where they are is one of the most effective ways to create change. MD, PA, and VA are in our sights for the coming campaigns. We will travel together, sometimes for a day, sometimes overnight, to reach people and encourage them to make their vote count. We have a great deal of experience in this effort and can walk any newbie through the ins and outs of speaking to people face-to-face about a broad range of issues.