Energy And Transportation Team

We are currently focusing on the 2020 Maryland Legislative Session.
See the IndivisibleHoCoMD Calendar for Environmental Lobbying Opportunities

  1. Transportation reform – oppose new highways, support electrified
    transportation and charging infrastructure, support Transportation Climate
    Initiative, support funding for mass transit
  2. Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) cleanup – The RPS requires
    Maryland’s utilities to provide electricity from renewable sources at a
    certain minimun percent, and it gives financial incentives for its
    generation. However, some of the portfolio is renewable but not clean,
    such as incineration. In particular, incineration of a byproduct of paper
    pulp known as black liquor is especially dirty. Support removing these
    dirty energy sources from the RPS
  3. Broad building codes improvement
  4. Fossil fuel infrastructure reform – support adding new requirements
    to make it more difficult to build new fossil fuel infrastructure
  5. Phaseout coal plants
  6. Oppose the Governor’s expected “Clean Energy” bill (which would
    include fracked gas, large hydro, nuclear)
Maryland Legislation of Interest

Contact Us

If you wish to contact Energy and Transportation Action Team, please fill out the form below.

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