Education Related Legislation 2019
Local Bills the Education Action Team is tracking for the upcoming legislative session:
CB 1–19 Board of Education – Elected School Board By: Del. Atterbeary and supported by HCEA
Would allow county voters to elect five of the seven school board members by councilmanic districts, with the remaining two members elected at large. The reasoning behind this bill is that a county-wide nonpartisan race is expensive and precludes some from running.
CB 3–19 Howard County – School Facilities Surcharge – Rates
This bill is still in drafting stages. (HCEA in favor of increasing impact fees)
Protect your tax-payer dollars by demanding developers pay their fair share for school construction costs and give Howard County local control to raise fees for future adjustments. Sign this Petition
CB 8–19 Board of Education – Redistricting – Requirements – this bill is still in drafting stages.
The Howard County Delegation is planning an all day work session on Saturday, January 12, 2019 to discuss education related matters.