Support Clean Energy Jobs Act

Please send an email to all members of the House Economic Matters Committee.   Copy and paste this list of emails to capture all members:

Suggested script:   
Dear Members of the House Economic Matters Committee.  
My name is ________ and I am from Howard County.  I am writing in strong support of SB516 the Clean Energy Jobs Act.  This bill will likely pass thru Rules early this week, to be considered by your committee.  This bill is supported by a super-majority of the members of the full House.   It has also been passed 33-13 in the full Senate.  It is critical that SB516 passes this year, we simply cannot wait until next year to take action on climate, stem the job losses in the solar industry, build the infrastructure for offshore wind jobs of the future, and ensure we are not leaving an estimate $250 million in federal money on the table by waiting until next year.  
Please vote “yes” on SB516, and move this bill to a vote in the full house.
Sincerely, your name
For those of you who can also follow-up with a phone call (helpful!) the members are listed at the following link: